Hey lovelies!
Ack! I haven't posted since July! Why is it that whenever my life gets boring/busy, I don't post anything?
I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have to say, life got pretty hectic once school started up again and I really don't know what the heck happened in late July.
Anyways, I'm back, and maybe this time I can keep my easily-distracted nature in check just long enough to actually keep this blog going. So without further ado, I'm going to stop apologizing/making excuses about not doing things/rattling on and just tell you what's been up!
I had a fantastic time at the cast party that I mentioned in my previous post. Some friends and I played Frisbee in the rain (a good time, I got kind of wet, covered in grass, and a little muddy, but it was fun), I saw a girl I hadn't seen since the show (many good times), and I bought a rather disturbing-looking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ice pop from an ice cream truck and got covered in melted ice pop (but the first time I've ever bought something from an ice cream truck so I cannot complain),
I started school again. I'm not dying of schoolwork overload, thank goodness, although I still do have a metric TON of essays to write.
About four days into the school year, I was sitting on the couch and probably watching Star Trek: The Next Generation when I said to my mother, "Hey mom, you know that hair dye I bought? Let's go dye my hair." So we went upstairs and I ended up with emerald green bangs, no bleach needed (Manic Panic's Enchanted Forest, in case you're wondering). These lasted about two weeks, but they were very cool and I felt like the coolest person in every room I walked into. I'm seriously impressed with this dye; it completely dyes my red hair that normally doesn't take dye very well or even at all, and that's no small feat!
My mother and I have finished Star Trek: The Next Generation and have started working our way through the seven seasons of Star Trek: Voyager. We're currently only on season 3, so no spoilers please, but I have to say that I absolutely ADORE this series. I love the questions it raises, and I also adore the sheer amount of snark involved with the characters. I've also started growing out my undercut because I am seriously jealous of Captain Janeway's hair!
Coming up next in our Star Trek saga? Probably Deep Space Nine.
Also, about a week ago, I had auditions for Zombie Prom! Yeah, I know I said they were in December, but it turns out that they were actually in October. I actually did really good in the audition (a rare occurrence, let me tell you) and though I didn't get cast as Toffee, the role I was going for, I did get a really, really good role. I'm going to be playing Coco! Coco is such a fun character to read for, especially considering her personality and that I have a tendency to be cast as good-girl characters. I'm seriously looking forward to the read-through on Tuesday!
I've also signed up to take dance lessons because I am low-key a not-so-great dancer and have gotten some pretty bad panic attacks because I've combined that with a really nasty case of perfectionism. I am desperately hoping that dance lessons will either improve my dancing skills, make me more confident in any existing skills I might have, or at least make me okay with saying "I am not a good dancer." I am so-so-so-so excited for dance lessons, which start in November!
Also, I've been working on my Halloween costume this week. I pride myself on having only bought an entire costume once, so I've been sewing and shopping and dyeing fabric like crazy. This year, I'm dressing up as Bulbasaur from Pokemon. Yes, I have fallen in love with Pokemon Go, and I am not afraid to admit it!
The reason I've been so frantic about getting my costume done so early is that I'm going to a Halloween party tonight! Every year, this family my family knows throws a big Halloween party. Everyone dresses up and we eat food and talk and play games. In my honest opinion, these parties are legendary. But then again, I don't really go to parties very often (although I've been invited to like four different birthday parties this year, so I guess I do go to parties now), so I'm not the best judge of that. But I always have a good time there, and though I don't really know what to do at big, big parties like this, I figure it out (and then promptly forget)!
And that's what's rolling. I will post some pictures of my Bulbasaur costume either tonight or tomorrow, once I've finished the bulb!
Ciao for now!
Glitter Girl
Love, Glitter Girl
Fashion advice, stories about life itself, day-to-day mundaneness, and everything else you'd expect from a teenage girl!
Saturday, October 15, 2016
In Which Glitter Girl Apologizes Prolifically for Not Posting Sooner and Recounts Interesting Things
2016 posts,
day to day,
halloween party,
star trek,
stuff and things,
zombie prom
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Watermelon Nails, Before-the-Party Ramblings, and the (Hopefully) End of the Vehicular Drama Saga
Hey lovelies!
So things have been pretty quiet here at Love, Glitter Girl HQ (AKA home). I babysat my two sisters last night, which was good (normally they fight like crazy, but were nice just for me), I have a cast party tomorrow night for the play I was in this spring, Little Shop of Horrors. And yeah.
I might've watched somewhere around six episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation this afternoon (I have no life in the summer). And while I was watching an obscene amount of Star Trek, I decided to paint my nails and do some nail art.
So things have been pretty quiet here at Love, Glitter Girl HQ (AKA home). I babysat my two sisters last night, which was good (normally they fight like crazy, but were nice just for me), I have a cast party tomorrow night for the play I was in this spring, Little Shop of Horrors. And yeah.
I might've watched somewhere around six episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation this afternoon (I have no life in the summer). And while I was watching an obscene amount of Star Trek, I decided to paint my nails and do some nail art.
![]() |
Summery watermelon nails! |
I did watermelons, which was a lot more challenging than some of the other nail art I've done because I've never actually painted French tips before. But it went well, so I'm pretty proud of it. (Apologies for the sloppy paint job in the picture, my aim with the brush isn't always the best and I hadn't had time to scour the skin around my nails yet, I promise a better look soon.)
Also, as you know on Monday, the car broke down. The alternator and the battery both blew (which was icky) and we finally got the car back Wednesday, and we haven't had a problem with it since (but now I've probably jinxed it). Hopefully this is the end, but the car is almost 10 years old, so I doubt it. Our last car blew around 10 or 11 as well.
In addition to all the vehicular drama and nail art, as I said above, I am going to a party tomorrow. It's the cast party for Little Shop of Horrors, which was the play I was in this spring, and I have to make a pasta salad for it but that's okay because I make the best pasta salad. A bunch of us are all going to just go to the park and be weird theatre nerds. It's awesome. Also, some of these people I haven't seen since mid-April when the show closed, so that's going to be double awesome.
Other things that happened; I started wearing my retainer after not wearing it for two weeks (I can't figure out which was the bigger mistake), my sisters fought some more today, and I went to the grocery store. Boring, mundane stuff.
School starts soon, so I might get more interesting as the year progresses. I have auditions for a show called Zombie Prom in December, so that's going to be a thing, and I'm actually remembering to blog so that's good. Good job, me.
Some folks are lighting off fireworks for some strange reason, and I can hear the fweeeee of them launching outside my bedroom window.
That's all for tonight, sorry for the weird posting time.
Glitter Girl
2016 posts,
cast party,
day to day,
mundane stuff,
nail art,
stuff and things,
vehicular drama
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Car Troubles, Hair Dye, and Day to Day Mundane Stuff
Hey lovelies!
Sorry for not posting lately. I tend to not write when my life is doing normal things, and it's been doing a lot of very normal things recently. So yeah.
So what have I been up to lately?
Well, on Friday night (the 8th, for anyone who's wondering), I went to see a bunch of my amazing theatre friends perform in a show called Godspell. And oh my gosh it was like the greatest thing ever. Now, for some reason, act 1 of a show is always "Sunshine! Rainbows! Happiness! Love!" and then act 2 is always "Blood! Death! Destruction!" and let me just say that Godspell was VERY MUCH like this. I cried at the end, and I have never cried watching a musical before so it was incredibly well written and also incredibly well performed. And no, I'm not just saying that because I love those weirdos (even though I do).
Also, on Monday, I was going out for lunch with my family when the car started having some issues (the alternator broke and took the battery with it). We made it about halfway to lunch before we had to pull into a parking lot and reevaluate. We ended up leaving the car in the parking lot and walking to lunch (which would've been cool, as it's only a short walk from where we ended up, but it was like 90°F out and humid as all heck because this is Georgia), and then by some stroke of magic, my best friend's mom was in the area and she offered to drive us home. So that was good. And then we had to negotiate getting the car towed, and all sorts of lovely stuff, and we should get it back today but who knows.
So that was fun.
In addition, I've been thinking about dyeing my hair. I'm not a hundred percent certain, and I've asked at least two of my best friends to talk me either into it or out of it because I really don't know if I should, but I'm thinking of dyeing it bubblegum pink. I'm a little concerned about it because I am originally a redhead and I don't really want to lose that shade (also because touching up roots is going to be a pain because my hair grows fast), but hopefully I will stop wiffle-waffling (yes, that is a legit word) about it soon and just do it.
Going to be babysitting my sisters for my parents' anniversary (and getting paid). Probably going to sit around and write essays because I'm homeschooled and not done with last year (bad decision on my part). So yeah.
Mundane stuff.
But maybe something interesting will happen soon.
Glitter Girl
Sorry for not posting lately. I tend to not write when my life is doing normal things, and it's been doing a lot of very normal things recently. So yeah.
So what have I been up to lately?
Well, on Friday night (the 8th, for anyone who's wondering), I went to see a bunch of my amazing theatre friends perform in a show called Godspell. And oh my gosh it was like the greatest thing ever. Now, for some reason, act 1 of a show is always "Sunshine! Rainbows! Happiness! Love!" and then act 2 is always "Blood! Death! Destruction!" and let me just say that Godspell was VERY MUCH like this. I cried at the end, and I have never cried watching a musical before so it was incredibly well written and also incredibly well performed. And no, I'm not just saying that because I love those weirdos (even though I do).
Also, on Monday, I was going out for lunch with my family when the car started having some issues (the alternator broke and took the battery with it). We made it about halfway to lunch before we had to pull into a parking lot and reevaluate. We ended up leaving the car in the parking lot and walking to lunch (which would've been cool, as it's only a short walk from where we ended up, but it was like 90°F out and humid as all heck because this is Georgia), and then by some stroke of magic, my best friend's mom was in the area and she offered to drive us home. So that was good. And then we had to negotiate getting the car towed, and all sorts of lovely stuff, and we should get it back today but who knows.
So that was fun.
In addition, I've been thinking about dyeing my hair. I'm not a hundred percent certain, and I've asked at least two of my best friends to talk me either into it or out of it because I really don't know if I should, but I'm thinking of dyeing it bubblegum pink. I'm a little concerned about it because I am originally a redhead and I don't really want to lose that shade (also because touching up roots is going to be a pain because my hair grows fast), but hopefully I will stop wiffle-waffling (yes, that is a legit word) about it soon and just do it.
Going to be babysitting my sisters for my parents' anniversary (and getting paid). Probably going to sit around and write essays because I'm homeschooled and not done with last year (bad decision on my part). So yeah.
Mundane stuff.
But maybe something interesting will happen soon.
Glitter Girl
Monday, July 11, 2016
Summer Camp Shenanigans, Part 7: The End of the Week
Hey lovelies!
Welcome to the very last part of Summer Camp Shenanigans! Well, we finally made it here and I guess this is where it all ends. So it's going to be a bit of a short post.
On Saturday morning, we had muffins and then packed up our stuff onto the trailers and went down to the dining hall to await our parents. We all exchanged numbers and emails and stuff, and then we all went outside to sit by the flag and do our awards ceremony.
Now, hold it hold it hold it, you're probably saying. Your camp has an awards ceremony?
Yes. Yes it does.
See the thing is, on the last day, every camper gets recognized for something that they did this week that was pretty cool. We didn't do it my first year of camp, but my second year, I got an award for "Most Resilient"—translation: I fell off a horse and got back on said horse.
So this year, I ended up with basically an award for conquering my fears of horses (mostly). The actual award had a much longer name that I can't remember off the top of my head.
And then I gave my mum and my little sister a tour of literally the ENTIRE camp. Yeah, I do that every year, but it was a good time and I showed them my unit and stuff, and then we went home.
And that's the end of Summer Camp Shenanigans! I hope you all enjoyed, and I may do another Summer Camp Shenanigans when I next go to summer camp (hopefully next summer! :D), but that's going to be all for now.
Love, Glitter Girl
Welcome to the very last part of Summer Camp Shenanigans! Well, we finally made it here and I guess this is where it all ends. So it's going to be a bit of a short post.
On Saturday morning, we had muffins and then packed up our stuff onto the trailers and went down to the dining hall to await our parents. We all exchanged numbers and emails and stuff, and then we all went outside to sit by the flag and do our awards ceremony.
Now, hold it hold it hold it, you're probably saying. Your camp has an awards ceremony?
Yes. Yes it does.
See the thing is, on the last day, every camper gets recognized for something that they did this week that was pretty cool. We didn't do it my first year of camp, but my second year, I got an award for "Most Resilient"—translation: I fell off a horse and got back on said horse.
So this year, I ended up with basically an award for conquering my fears of horses (mostly). The actual award had a much longer name that I can't remember off the top of my head.
And then I gave my mum and my little sister a tour of literally the ENTIRE camp. Yeah, I do that every year, but it was a good time and I showed them my unit and stuff, and then we went home.
And that's the end of Summer Camp Shenanigans! I hope you all enjoyed, and I may do another Summer Camp Shenanigans when I next go to summer camp (hopefully next summer! :D), but that's going to be all for now.
Love, Glitter Girl
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Summer Camp Shenanigans, Part 6: In Which Glitter Girl Cries a Lot and Tries To Remember Everything Else That Happened That Day
Hello lovelies!
Welcome to Part 6 (finally) of Summer Camp Shenanigans! When we last left off, it was Thursday and good things had happened.
Now time for Friday.
So on Friday morning, I managed to swim (decided Thursday morning was too sucky to go through again) and then we went canoeing. My canoe team argued a lot, but we went pretty fast, although one of the counselors had to pull our canoe onto the beach at the end because we kind of sucked at steering. So good times with water sports.
And also lunch, which was good.
And then there was turtle time, and that's when stuff went down.
Before I go any further, here's some background: every session, we have a closing campfire. Basically, we all go down to the campfire and we sing rather sad camp songs that we don't sing any other time, and we say nice things about our units and the camp director makes nice speeches and we do a bunch of rather odd end-of-camp rituals and you'd think it would be fun and exciting but it's actually really sad for quite a few of us. Myself included.
So anyway, my unit leader was teaching us the song we were going to sing. It was a rather sad and mildly strange song called "One Tin Soldier" (Google it if you don't know what it is, it's actually pretty good). I got it pretty quickly, but then all of a sudden, I realized that this was the last night. This was my last taste of camp for another year. And I felt pretty rubbish about that.
And what does Glitter Girl do when she feels things?
That's right; she cries.
So I started crying, and then Raina realized I was crying, and we ended up hugging in the middle of the room and I felt kind of sucky and stuff. I managed to recompose myself afterward, and then we went to riding.
And I cried again.
We rode, and we went on another trail ride (very unusual, but good) and I thought on horseback, and figured out that I'm generally the most clear-headed when I'm not in the ring; things seem smaller, less difficult, on the trail. And then we took our unit picture, which was also good.
Then came candlelight dinner.
More background: every session, on the last night of camp, all the camp gets fancied up (well, all the counselors do, and some of the campers, but most of them didn't bring any nice clothes so there's usually a bunch of us in t-shirts) and we eat various foods and sing a lot of noisy camp songs. And then, all dressed up and fancy, we go down to the closing campfire.
So candlelight dinner was a good time. The closing campfire was sad.
We got down there, and I might've lasted, like, five minutes before I started crying (again). We sang our song, and then we did that thing where we all say nice things, and the topic of this year was "Who do you want to be like when you grow up?"
I said it was my counselors, because they'd been so patient with me throughout my mess.
And then Fiona got up.
Fiona said that she wanted to be like me, because I was open and honest about whatever I was feeling.
I have never been so flattered in all my life.
After the campfire and the weird camp rituals, we went back up to the unit, and I must've thanked every single counselor there for putting up with all of my drama, and they said it really was no big deal, and I felt kind of better about it but kind of not.
And then we all went to bed again, and that was the end of Friday.
Welcome to Part 6 (finally) of Summer Camp Shenanigans! When we last left off, it was Thursday and good things had happened.
Now time for Friday.
So on Friday morning, I managed to swim (decided Thursday morning was too sucky to go through again) and then we went canoeing. My canoe team argued a lot, but we went pretty fast, although one of the counselors had to pull our canoe onto the beach at the end because we kind of sucked at steering. So good times with water sports.
And also lunch, which was good.
And then there was turtle time, and that's when stuff went down.
Before I go any further, here's some background: every session, we have a closing campfire. Basically, we all go down to the campfire and we sing rather sad camp songs that we don't sing any other time, and we say nice things about our units and the camp director makes nice speeches and we do a bunch of rather odd end-of-camp rituals and you'd think it would be fun and exciting but it's actually really sad for quite a few of us. Myself included.
So anyway, my unit leader was teaching us the song we were going to sing. It was a rather sad and mildly strange song called "One Tin Soldier" (Google it if you don't know what it is, it's actually pretty good). I got it pretty quickly, but then all of a sudden, I realized that this was the last night. This was my last taste of camp for another year. And I felt pretty rubbish about that.
And what does Glitter Girl do when she feels things?
That's right; she cries.
So I started crying, and then Raina realized I was crying, and we ended up hugging in the middle of the room and I felt kind of sucky and stuff. I managed to recompose myself afterward, and then we went to riding.
And I cried again.
We rode, and we went on another trail ride (very unusual, but good) and I thought on horseback, and figured out that I'm generally the most clear-headed when I'm not in the ring; things seem smaller, less difficult, on the trail. And then we took our unit picture, which was also good.
Then came candlelight dinner.
More background: every session, on the last night of camp, all the camp gets fancied up (well, all the counselors do, and some of the campers, but most of them didn't bring any nice clothes so there's usually a bunch of us in t-shirts) and we eat various foods and sing a lot of noisy camp songs. And then, all dressed up and fancy, we go down to the closing campfire.
So candlelight dinner was a good time. The closing campfire was sad.
We got down there, and I might've lasted, like, five minutes before I started crying (again). We sang our song, and then we did that thing where we all say nice things, and the topic of this year was "Who do you want to be like when you grow up?"
I said it was my counselors, because they'd been so patient with me throughout my mess.
And then Fiona got up.
Fiona said that she wanted to be like me, because I was open and honest about whatever I was feeling.
I have never been so flattered in all my life.
After the campfire and the weird camp rituals, we went back up to the unit, and I must've thanked every single counselor there for putting up with all of my drama, and they said it really was no big deal, and I felt kind of better about it but kind of not.
And then we all went to bed again, and that was the end of Friday.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Maybe I Shouldn't Take Year-Long Breaks? Time for Catch-Up
Hello lovelies!
I am so-so-so-so sorry I haven't posted in almost a year. School started back up and my life has been a mad dash ever since (school tends to eat up a lot of my time), so I kind of spaced it (which I often do) and the next thing I know, it's July.
I need to, like, not do that.
So, I went to Switzerland on the 20th (at least, I think it was the 20th) of June, and we ran around and got jet-lagged as heckity heck and came back on the 5th of July and I might've gotten into the habit of thanking people in German and French instead of English, which really doesn't work when you live in the US. We climbed mountains and didn't die and good stuff like that. :)
Also, I did a theatre thing from February to April. The rehearsal schedule was a little crazy (5 nights a week) and tech week was a nightmare because drama both at home and at rehearsal, but we didn't totally mess up and we did good, so that was a thing. I actually made a few friends and talked to the friends and went out with one of the friends for coffee, which was good.
So that's basically been my life.
I know I haven't finished Summer Camp Shenanigans yet, and I'm going to try to, but the truth is I really don't remember most of what happened on the Friday as it's been, like, a year since we did summer camp.
Also, bad news; not going this year. I wish I was, summer camp is kind of my life, but I went to Switzerland instead. You win some, you lose some.
I may post like, three posts today. Or I may do the thing with the scheduling where I say "Hey blogger, post this post at this time". I dunno
So that's where I'm at.
Glitter Girl
I am so-so-so-so sorry I haven't posted in almost a year. School started back up and my life has been a mad dash ever since (school tends to eat up a lot of my time), so I kind of spaced it (which I often do) and the next thing I know, it's July.
I need to, like, not do that.
So, I went to Switzerland on the 20th (at least, I think it was the 20th) of June, and we ran around and got jet-lagged as heckity heck and came back on the 5th of July and I might've gotten into the habit of thanking people in German and French instead of English, which really doesn't work when you live in the US. We climbed mountains and didn't die and good stuff like that. :)
Also, I did a theatre thing from February to April. The rehearsal schedule was a little crazy (5 nights a week) and tech week was a nightmare because drama both at home and at rehearsal, but we didn't totally mess up and we did good, so that was a thing. I actually made a few friends and talked to the friends and went out with one of the friends for coffee, which was good.
So that's basically been my life.
I know I haven't finished Summer Camp Shenanigans yet, and I'm going to try to, but the truth is I really don't remember most of what happened on the Friday as it's been, like, a year since we did summer camp.
Also, bad news; not going this year. I wish I was, summer camp is kind of my life, but I went to Switzerland instead. You win some, you lose some.
I may post like, three posts today. Or I may do the thing with the scheduling where I say "Hey blogger, post this post at this time". I dunno
So that's where I'm at.
Glitter Girl
Friday, August 7, 2015
Summer Camp Shenanigans, Part 5: Riding Times Change and Harry Potter Night
Hello lovelies!
In Georgia, you have two options for weather in the summer; you can either have blazing hot with lots of sunshine, or you can have not-so-blazing-hot with rain. And we have not-so-blazing hot with rain today, but that's hardly important.
Welcome to part 5 of Summer Camp Shenanigans! When we last left off, it was the end of a very dramatic Wednesday.
On with the show! Er, blog post! Oh, you get the drift!
So anyways, on Thursday morning, we got up, as usual, and got dressed, as usual, but my patrol leader told us that our group and one of the other patrols were going swimming today and then going to do archery.
Oh, snap.
When we got there, I told her that for reasons I didn't want to divulge, I couldn't swim today. And she let me and two other girls sit out, even though she said she technically wasn't supposed to. So we sat on the edge, and I realized the suckiness of my situation. I was sitting on the edge of the pool, I had left my swimsuit in the unit because I knew I wouldn't be swimming today, and everyone else was having fun while the three of us were just sitting on the edge of the pool.
And, being a bit of a mess that week anyway, I started crying.
The two girls I was sitting with talked to me about it, and eventually, I stopped crying and began to have a little fun, especially when my patrol leader asked us to splash her (the counselors couldn't be in the water with us for some reason, so all she could do was dip her feet in).
We got out of the pool and we went to archery, which was, for some reason, done in a room under the dining hall. They brought targets and everything, and we shot the targets.
The funny thing was, I'm a right-handed person, but I apparently shoot better with my left. I guess it's because my right hand is stronger and steadier, and so keeps the bow in place. I dunno, but I tried both a right-handed and left-handed bow, and I like the left-handed bow better.
After that was lunch. Not the most interesting topic.
Then, for some reason, our riding schedule had been switched to the afternoon, so we went to the barn. I was kind of dreading the unbearable heat that my friends who had done the afternoon ride in previous years had told me about, but it really wasn't that bad.
We were trotting around, as usual, and then, because I've been struggling with it all week, I ask my riding instructor if there was any way she could teach me to post the trot. She said to go with the motion of the horse, and I tried it. And for two seconds, I managed to post the trot.
After riding, I told my patrol leader about it, and she said, "See? Sometimes all you have to do is just believe in yourself."
Well, I definitely did for those moments. I definitely did.
After that, we went back to the cabin to get ready for Harry Potter night. I turned a black T-shirt inside out, put on my black leggings and riding boots, and tied a red bandana around my neck and decided that I was Ron Weasley (because ginger hair). Madeline had made a wand out of a stick but accidentally broke it, so she taped it together and handed it to me.
My friend Fiona helped me rehearse my fear of spiders (because I'm actually not afraid of spiders), and we went to dinner. They had lined up all the dining hall tables in four lines, and I sat at the Ravenclaw table with the rest of my patrol, despite the red bandana.
I suppose I should mention that Madeline was Luna Lovegood's mother, Raina was Luna Lovegood, Fiona was Dobby, and there were a bunch of others. Not to mention we were the only unit that dressed up.
After dinner, we sat outside for a while so the kitchen staff could move the tables, and then they had a dance party in the dining hall. And everyone danced.
It was awesome. There was noise, and dancing, and me and Fiona pretty much threw each other across the dance floor a good twenty times.
And then we walked back to our cabin, and I had to lean on Madeline because I had never been so tired in all my life.
What a night.
Glitter Girl
In Georgia, you have two options for weather in the summer; you can either have blazing hot with lots of sunshine, or you can have not-so-blazing-hot with rain. And we have not-so-blazing hot with rain today, but that's hardly important.
Welcome to part 5 of Summer Camp Shenanigans! When we last left off, it was the end of a very dramatic Wednesday.
On with the show! Er, blog post! Oh, you get the drift!
So anyways, on Thursday morning, we got up, as usual, and got dressed, as usual, but my patrol leader told us that our group and one of the other patrols were going swimming today and then going to do archery.
Oh, snap.
When we got there, I told her that for reasons I didn't want to divulge, I couldn't swim today. And she let me and two other girls sit out, even though she said she technically wasn't supposed to. So we sat on the edge, and I realized the suckiness of my situation. I was sitting on the edge of the pool, I had left my swimsuit in the unit because I knew I wouldn't be swimming today, and everyone else was having fun while the three of us were just sitting on the edge of the pool.
And, being a bit of a mess that week anyway, I started crying.
The two girls I was sitting with talked to me about it, and eventually, I stopped crying and began to have a little fun, especially when my patrol leader asked us to splash her (the counselors couldn't be in the water with us for some reason, so all she could do was dip her feet in).
We got out of the pool and we went to archery, which was, for some reason, done in a room under the dining hall. They brought targets and everything, and we shot the targets.
The funny thing was, I'm a right-handed person, but I apparently shoot better with my left. I guess it's because my right hand is stronger and steadier, and so keeps the bow in place. I dunno, but I tried both a right-handed and left-handed bow, and I like the left-handed bow better.
After that was lunch. Not the most interesting topic.
Then, for some reason, our riding schedule had been switched to the afternoon, so we went to the barn. I was kind of dreading the unbearable heat that my friends who had done the afternoon ride in previous years had told me about, but it really wasn't that bad.
We were trotting around, as usual, and then, because I've been struggling with it all week, I ask my riding instructor if there was any way she could teach me to post the trot. She said to go with the motion of the horse, and I tried it. And for two seconds, I managed to post the trot.
After riding, I told my patrol leader about it, and she said, "See? Sometimes all you have to do is just believe in yourself."
Well, I definitely did for those moments. I definitely did.
After that, we went back to the cabin to get ready for Harry Potter night. I turned a black T-shirt inside out, put on my black leggings and riding boots, and tied a red bandana around my neck and decided that I was Ron Weasley (because ginger hair). Madeline had made a wand out of a stick but accidentally broke it, so she taped it together and handed it to me.
My friend Fiona helped me rehearse my fear of spiders (because I'm actually not afraid of spiders), and we went to dinner. They had lined up all the dining hall tables in four lines, and I sat at the Ravenclaw table with the rest of my patrol, despite the red bandana.
I suppose I should mention that Madeline was Luna Lovegood's mother, Raina was Luna Lovegood, Fiona was Dobby, and there were a bunch of others. Not to mention we were the only unit that dressed up.
After dinner, we sat outside for a while so the kitchen staff could move the tables, and then they had a dance party in the dining hall. And everyone danced.
It was awesome. There was noise, and dancing, and me and Fiona pretty much threw each other across the dance floor a good twenty times.
And then we walked back to our cabin, and I had to lean on Madeline because I had never been so tired in all my life.
What a night.
Glitter Girl
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